Creating a Sustainable Future

Bob's Red Mill Sustainability - Healthy Food, Healthy Planet

Bob’s Red Mill has made a commitment to sustainability, and our Sustainability Committee is working on initiatives to support nutritious food and a healthy planet.

See Our Carbon Footprint See Our Latest Infographic


To acknowledge our contribution to environmental problems by taking dedicated steps to reduce our impact on the planet.


We advocate for sustainability through company-wide collaboration, to provide education and inspire each other to protect and improve our community and the planet.


To be a global leader in promoting a healthy planet through our company practices and individual behaviors.

What We're Working On

We've made small but important steps:

Food Made With Integrity

Nourishing a Healthy Planet

  • On-site renewable energy with a 120 kW solar system
  • Electric Vehicle charging stations
  • Committing to climate change action with the Climate Collaborative
  • Partnering with Energy Trust of Oregon on world-class efficiency in our operations
  • Focusing on waste reduction by eliminating disposables, and empowering reuse with our Pallet Recovery Operations
  • Joining Pacific Coast Food Waste Commitment to cut food waste in half by 2030
  • Launched a Food Reduction Challenge, which reduced food waste by more than 70% on the manufacturing line where a quick-win idea was tested

Sourcing Responsibly

  • Fueling our fleet with renewable diesel, which reduces 80% of carbon emissions
  • Advancing soil health and regenerative agriculture
  • Optimizing our packaging to minimize impact:
    • US-made, BPA-free packaging is right-sized to reduce material and resealable to uphold product quality, to reduce food waste
    • Supporting Oregon’s Recycling Modernization Act
    • Eliminated paper lids from our Oatmeal Cups, saving an estimated 170,000 pounds of waste per year.

Fostering Wellness

Stay Tuned

This is just the beginning of a wide-reaching and consistent mission within our company: new announcements coming soon!